A downloadable game

Micah Matchsticks is causing trouble again! This project is a small VR experience where you are a formless entity in your own little desert valley. You are trapped with a creature named Micah who is a pyromaniac and loves to set things on fire with no regard for others. He runs around your desert valley lighting things on fire as he goes. You are tasked with using your powers to control rain to put out the fires that Micah makes.

This project was made in Unity v. 2019.3.11f1. I created the environment by finding various free low-poly assets online and putting them together. I put a navigation mesh on the map and put a nav mesh agent on Micah which allows him to navigate around the valley by approximating the walkable surfaces of the level. There are various triggers around the map that, when Micah runs through, will set the object assigned to the trigger on fire. Micah is programmed to always follow a GameObject that randomly moves to another point in the level when Micah sets an object on fire. The fire is made by various particle systems placed on top of each other with different properties in each system to create a visually nice looking fire. I was unable to find a good free character model that would fit Micah correctly so I opted to stick with the default character model to represent Micah. 

You play by simply looking at objects while in VR to summon rain at that spot and put fires out.


Derek Chin VR Project Final.zip 202 MB

Install instructions

This is only playable on mobile and the download is a zip with the .apk file in it!

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